Sunday, August 8, 2010

Longest Saturday of My Life

August 7th will officially last 37 hours for me. (17 hours in Japan, 12 hours on the plane, and then 8 hours in the eastern time zone).

Y’all are in for a treat. I’m writing this in Toronto airport because I really have nothing better to do during my 5 hour layover, except feel assured that my check in baggage will have time to make it to my plane. (Ok, side rant, but I had to pick up my luggage from one of those conveyer belt contraptions, run it through U.S. customs where they did absolutely nothing other than look at a paper I had filled out and then ask me why I had been in Japan, then re-check it and go through security again. I’m bitter about being back in the States already and I’M NOT EVEN THERE.)

I should also note that I have been up for 26 hours at this point. And I just decided to get a Starbucks mocha frappucino – or however the heck you spell that. Y’know what I mean. Anyway, my caffeine tolerance is pretty low so prepare for one really fun post…

Sudden realization. I have nothing legitimate to post about. Except maybe airports. I finally figured out who shops at all those little chintzy boutiques and overpriced food places. It’s people with 5 hour layovers. (Though granted U.S. customs did their darnedest to keep me entertained waiting for my baggage and waiting in line as long as possible).

I was actually considering a ten minute manicure, but the store girl just wrapped up shop.
Well, anyway, the legitimate posts will continue once I’m a little less sleep-deprived/cracked out on caffeine.

But, oh hey, I have free wifi! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Veronica, Welcome back almost. At least now you could drive home, or take an even longer cab ride back to the home of the Mayflower! I would hte to see that fare!!!!!
    Anyway, glad you had a fabulous trip. I look forward to seeing you momentos.

