I find the Lucky Pierrot’s clown particular disturbing because the eyes have different pupils – a circle in one, a star in the other. The eyes of the Joker as drawn in Batman: RIP also have different pupils – one dilated, and the other constricted to a pinpoint. (I'm not going to post a picture of that particular version here as it may be a bit scary for the younger crowd, if they're reading).
Ok, so I read/watch too much Batman. I see the Joker in every clown I see.
But even putting the clown issue aside, Lucky Pierrot’s is still on my list of not-ok stuff. (Yup, I have an official list of not-ok stuff. It includes Ugg boots, Lucky Pierrot’s, froofy boy band songs, and my brother’s trucks). (Just kidding Tim.)
Anyway, back to Lucky Pierrot’s. Why is it still on my list of not-ok stuff you ask? Is it the heart-attack-inducing quality of their food? The chintzy décor? The prices?
Nope. It’s actually the kujira burger.
Guess what makes the kujira burger.
Are you ready for this?

Well, some of the research specimen has been making it to Lucky Pierrot’s for the kujira burger. (The kujira burger is more expensive than the others, but to be served at a fast-food restaurant, I’m guessing what you’re actually getting in your burger is the excretory end of the digestive tract and other unsavory bits, ground up and deep fried. Yum).
It’s one thing to kill a cow for food. It is another matter altogether to hunt what are often endangered animals.
Sorry Japan. I draw the line here. Whaling = not ok.
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