The feeling in the States is that sometime recycling is just too gosh darned inconvenient. It's just so difficult to take some of your trash and put it in another bin.
However, upon seeing Japan's recycling/waste system, I have decided Americans need to suck it up.
The trash bins at HIFThere are only five different bins for our district, but apparently the next town over has seven. That's right folks. Seven.
Part of our orientation was a tutorial on how to throw stuff away. Now you may be confused as to what is burnable and what isn't. So far as I can tell, this isn't a question of should it be burned/will it release toxic chemicals if it burns. The only question is "will it burn if enough heat is applied?" So things like styrofoam get to go in there too. Not so sure if this is a good thing...
Anyway, there will be a post to come about my adventures in Sapporo, Hokkaido's capital, but for now I must ask that Tim, my brother, no longer be called Nacho. It was his birthday yesterday and this is his present.
Also, participate in the postcard contest! No one who has e-mailed me so far has gotten them all--will you be the one???
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